News & Events



Presentation of "Armenia Economic Report 2014"

On November 12, 2014, at "Queen Erato" Meeting Room of Armenia Marriott Hotel, “Armenia Economic Report 2014” was presented to representatives from state and international organizations, NGOs and media. The general theme of the Armenian Economic Report 2014 is “Eurasian Integration and Trade”.

The Report presents trade development trends and impact assessment of the Eurasian Economic Union membership for Armenia. In particular the aim was to evaluate possible changes in external trade flows and identification of possible direction and channels of their impact.

“Armenia Economic Report 2014” is drafted by the Economic Development and Research Center (EDRC). The Report is prepared with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

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EDRC held Public Policy Context Workshop

On October 22, 2014 EDRC held Public Policy Context Workshop, covering issues of Social Protection, Public Health and Agriculture in Armenia. The Workshop was organized within the framework of Increasing Civil Society Participation in National Policy Dialogue in Armenia project, and took place at Best Western Congress Hotel in Yerevan.

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EDRC published the Simplified Budgets of 2014 for Health, Agriculture and Social Protection spheres in Armenia

Simplified sectoral budgets are analytical publications targeting a large audience from various groups of society and are aimed to increase awareness and create bases for efficient cooperation between the civil society and public sector and promote more informed discussions and decision-making. 

Simplified budgets have been published in collaboration with Oxfam GB in the framework of Increasing Civil Society Participation in National Policy Dialogue in Armenia project (funded by the EU).

Armenian and English electronic versions of the Simplified Budgets are available here.


Another Successful CSO Training was Delivered. This Time On Monitoring and Evaluation

On 29-31 of July, EDRC delivered trainings on “Research Methods, Data Collection and Expenditure Tracking Techniques” to various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The training involved beneficiary CSOs of the “Increasing civil society participation in national policy dialogue in Armenia” project.

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