News & Events


EDRC published the Simplified Budgets of 2015 for Health, Agriculture and Social Protection spheres in Armenia

Simplified sectoral budgets illustrate the budget financing trends and structure of the respective sectors, as well as the budget programs. They are analytical publications targeted at raising public awareness level, creating basis for effective policy dialogue between the civil society and public sector and promote more informed discussions and decision-making. 

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EDRC delivered the third round of Trainings on “Policy Planning Framework, Public Budgets and Policy Monitoring”

On 30-31 March, 2015 the “Policy Planning Framework, Public Budgets and Policy Monitoring” training was organized in the framework of the “Increasing Civil Society Participation in National Policy Dialogue in Armenia” (CSPNPD) project. Beneficiary Civil Society Organizations of the project participated in the training, as well as representatives of the RA Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs, Health and Agriculture were present at the event. 

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Policy Environment Briefs of Health, Agriculture and Social Protection sectors have been published

These documents are analytical reports that illustrate the public policy framework of the respective sectors in Armenia, covering the main strategic documents and programs, legal and institutional frameworks, policy and programmatic objectives and budget plans. These documents are aimed to give brief, simplified and comprehensible presentations of the policy framework in the respective area and consequently increase public awareness, contribute to informed discussions and create bases for public program monitoring.

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Presentation of Baseline Assessment Report: "Awareness, Literacy, Access and Usage of Financial Services by MSMEs in Regions of Armenia”

On November 14, at "Ararat" Meeting Room of Armenia Marriott Hotel, " Awareness, Literacy, Access and Usage of Financial Services by MSMEs in Regions of Armenia” Baseline Assessment Report was presented to representatives from the state and international organizations, financial institutions and NGOs.

The Study was implemented within the Finance for Economic Development (FED) Program.

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