MTEF & Annual Budgets

MTEF & Annual Budgets

The present Section contains Annual Budget programs and Budget Implementation reports of the Government of Armenia, as well as public finance Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks public finance (MTEF).

MTEF is developed and adopted by the Government of Armenia every year. It outlines the main expenditure directions and priorities of the Government during the next three years and lays a basis for drafting the next year’s Annual Budget.

The Government Budget is an annual document which is in force for respective calendar year From January to December. It is drafted by the Government of Armenia and submitted to the National Assembly. The Annual Budget is adopted by the National Assembly and, hence becomes a law.

Annual Budget Implementation Report of the Government is subject to the approval by the National Assembly not later than the 40th day after the end of the first quarter of the next financial year.

Relations in drafting the Annual Budget, implementation, reporting and report approval thereof are regulated by the Constitution of Armenia, as well as the Law of RA on Budget System.


Publications section contains analyses of Government Budgets and budget programs in certain sectors.


RA Medium-Term Expenditure Framework

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2017-2019
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2016-2018
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2015-2017
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2014-2016

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2013-2015

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2012-2014
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2011-2013
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2009-2011

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2008-2010
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2007-2009
      armenian | appendices

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2006-2008

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2004-2006

Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2003-2005


RA Laws on State Budget 

RA Law on State Budget 2017

RA Law on State Budget 2016

RA Law on State Budget 2015

RA Law on State Budget 2014

RA Law on State Budget 2013

RA Law on State Budget 2012

RA Law on State Budget 2011

RA Law on State Budget 2010

RA Law on State Budget 2009

RA Law on State Budget 2008

RA Law on State Budget 2007

RA Law on State Budget 2006

RA Law on State Budget 2005


Annual Reports on RA State Budget Execution

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2016
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2015
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2014
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2013
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2012
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2011
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2010
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2009
      report report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2008
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2007 
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2006
      report | report | appendices

Annual Report on RA State Budget Execution 2005
      report | report | appendices